Practice Schedule
The club practice schedule is dependent upon many variables with the most important factor being the availability of the Sporting Chance Center facility. CCJ will attempt to schedule all team practices with a convenient schedule, but will be limited based on what is available.
The club's philosophy in regards to scheduling practices will accommodate the following:
All Teams practice 3 times a week (January-May) unless they have a tournament
National Teams typically practice the Sunday following a tournament
Regional Teams are not scheduled to practice on the Sunday following a tournament
Younger teams (14U, 13U, 12U, 11U) are generally scheduled in the early (5:00 PM or 5:30 PM) time slots
National Teams are generally grouped together
Similar Age teams are grouped together
Coaching Staff conflicts
Club Calendar
Please refer to the CCJ Calendar for the complete practice schedule. The google calendar can be linked to your computer and/or handheld device so that you can check out any changes or revisions.
CCJ uses the following abbreviations for the calendar:
181: CCJ 18-Mizuno
182: CCJ 18-Silver
171: CCJ 17-Mizuno
172: CCJ 17-Silver
173: CCJ 17-Navy
161: CCJ 16-Mizuno
162: CCJ 16-Silver
163: CCJ 16-Navy
164: CCJ 16-Red
151: CCJ 15-Mizuno
152: CCJ 15-Silver
153: CCJ 15-Navy
154: CCJ 15-Red
141: CCJ 14-Mizuno
142: CCJ 14-Silver
143: CCJ 14-Navy
144: CCJ 14-Red
145: CCJ 14-White
146: CCJ 14-Green
147: CCJ 14-Black
131: CCJ 13-Silver
132: CCJ 13-Navy
133: CCJ 13-Red
134: CCJ 13-White
121: CCJ 12-Silver
122: CCJ 12-Navy
123: CCJ 12-Red
111: CCJ 11-Navy
112: CCJ 11-Red
Practice Location
All CCJ Practices and Team Meetings (unless otherwise noted) are held at the Sporting Chance Center; 2100 W. Curtis Road (Tucson, AZ)
SCC Practice Policies and Procedures
The following information is important to ensure that all CCJ athletes and families adhere to the requirements of the club's rental agreements with the Sporting Chance Center. We appreciate everyone's cooperation in making CCJ a good tenet!
ATHLETE DROP-OFF/PICK-UP: All practices will start and end at the scheduled time. Please make every effort to have athletes at the Sporting Chance Center with enough time to help with equipment set-up (10 minutes prior to start time)
Please be prompt to pick-up athletes after practices. We require our coaches to ensure all athletes have transportation before they leave the facility, so please be courteous. Coaches may not transport athletes.
Parents should only use the SCC's drop-off/pick-up curb IF your athlete at the sidewalk. If your athlete is still in the gym, please park in one of the designated parking spots to wait. DO NOT WAIT at the curb for your athlete come out of the gym.
PARKING AT THE SCC: The SCC has limited parking in the main lot - there is overflow parking at the Curtis Park if needed. Please be courteous and pay attention to where you are parking. Please obey all posted parking signs at the SCC and on Curtis Road.
SPECTATORS AT PRACTICE: Parents are welcome to watch practices. All spectators must remain in the SCC lobby and/or seated on the provided bleachers. Due to restrictions from our liability insurance and USA Volleyball insurance regulations, only CCJ athletes and coaches are allowed on the gym floor and/or may participate at practice. Parents are responsible for monitoring their children while in the lobby of the SCC. Please obey all SCC rules and requests regarding non-registered guests.
FOOD/DRINK AT PRACTICE: The SCC has a strict food/drink policy that all CCJ members must follow - this includes players, coaches, and spectators. Outside food and drink are not permitted in the SCC. The only exception to this rule will be water and sports drinks in acceptable and closed individual containers.
Practice Expectations
ATTENDANCE AT TRAINING SESSIONS IS REQUIRED: All athletes are expected to attend every practice session, team meetings, and matches. Missing training sessions or competitions for reasons other than school sports or school-sponsored activities or excused illnesses will be considered unexcused and could result in a loss of playing time.
If any player is going to miss practice for any reason, the coaching staff must be informed in advance. Players must take responsibility for themselves – it is not acceptable to relay the message to the coaching staff by someone other than the player or parent in certain circumstances.
DRESS CODE: All players are to report in full practice attire; this includes a matching CCJ practice shirt tucked in, Mizuno spandex, Mizuno kneepads, etc. No other brand is allowed.
For the safety of all athletes, please remove all jewelry (exception would be flat studded piercings)
Athletes must wear Mizuno cover-up shorts (over spandex) when arriving/leaving the gym for practice or matches.
During cold months, wear jacket and sweat pants before and after practice.
Players must be on time for all practices: Being on time means arriving to the gym 10 minutes earlier than the scheduled start time. Players should always help set up all equipment before warming up. All training sessions will end on time – therefore, it’s critical that players arrive on time.
Stay until all equipment is accounted for and put away: Players are to treat all facilities and equipment with respect. Gym rules are to be followed at all times. Teams/players are not to leave the gym until all equipment is accounted for and stored neatly. Failure to follow rules and/or maintain equipment may result in disciplinary actions by the coach and/or the Director.
Players will be expected to work hard. Practice sessions are valuable - always come to the gym ready to learn and train. To maximize training time, players will be required to move quickly from drill to drill and water breaks. Players must bring a great training-attitude to every training session. Be prepared to learn something new every day and a desire to get better every drill. Be competitive (but not combative) in every drill or scrimmage. Perform drills at full speed and be willing to make mistakes – to be successful here, you must allow yourself to make mistakes.
PROHIBITED ITEMS: The following is prohibited from all practices and training sessions.
Cell phones are to be kept out of sight during practice (turned OFF and stored in backpack)
All jewelry should be removed
Gum is not allowed in the gym
Skin lotion: this transfers to the floor and creates slick/slippery spots that are potentially dangerous